Northrend State Troopers (WoW Machinima) by Kakio
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Draenor ( Blackout )
4.98 /5 6 ? ? 490 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The heroes of Azeroth haven't been fighting evil in Northrend for years, as they have been busy fighting Deathwing and the "Panda-Problem". The question is now; Who is making sure everything is running smooth up there? Well, I visited them, and had plenty of time to witness their jobs. Enjoy, as I meet Azeroths' finest police officers, fight crime and save meese from cold blooded murderers.

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Northrend State Troopers (WoW Machinima) by Kakio

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Northrend State Troopers (WoW Machinima) by Kakio

Things, sounds and more things used to make the video:
- Several sound effects from
- Music bought from Bluezone Corporation
- Adobe Premiere Elements 11
- World of Warcraft by Blizzard
- Other music and sound effects bought from and is royalty free once you buy the regular license.
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4.98 /5

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Zygor Guides

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Views: 69,400
Daily Views: 19
Rating: 4.98 / 5
Category Rank: 709
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