The Grind - Episode 2 by Oblivious Films
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Malygos ( Vindication )
4.93 /5 508 ? ? 324 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The second episode of the machinima series "The Grind". Picking up where episode 1 left off, Deso has fallen off of Ironforge with a new friend, Liuv has somehow found himself naked in Ogrimmar, while Drewbie and Sheil try to get more info from Mac.

Just figured I'd drop a quick note to point out that our website is now up and running with Cast Bios, an episode guide, and most importantly, a new store! That's right, now you can get that sought after "The Grind" merchandise. "The Grind" and "Oblivious Films" logo t-shirts, sweatshirts, and even BBQ aprons! Get em while they're hot!

Oblivious Films webpage.
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Rating: 4.93 / 5
Category Rank: 46
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