Disperse 3: 2400+ Spriest/Lock von Disperse
Class: Priester | Category: PvP | Server : US - Daggerspine ( Cyclone )
4.57 /5 188 ? ? 743 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
**Added in some stream links to some youtube videos of me in s8, nothing super duper crazy impressive just made for fun after taking a 2 month break**

-Shadow Priest & Ua/Destruction Lock in 2v2
-s6 arena matches (pre mortal strike addition to mind blast)
-2440 team rating. Our mmr floated from 2300-2540ish.
-Good and bad opponents with mmrs that range from 2300-2700
-Minor clicking
-DnB/Techno/House type music
-A few zooms/screen shakes/color changes
-Undead Male skin
-A composition that gets shit on by rogues
-A few random lag spikes

-Amazing editing/video quality
-Perfect play
-Faceroll (besides a few clips where my partner globals stuff^^)

I would like to thank Ntadmin for helping me edit the video!

Don't forget to rate,comment, etc. Any/all feedback is welcomed :D

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