Celex Gravitas Gaming 3v3 PMR TR arena w/ vent recordings! par Celex
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Serveur : US - Cho'gall ( Rampage )
4.75 /5 283 ? ? 778 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hey guys, I've been getting a lot of requests for a new video so I kinda rushed one out there for the time being. This is of course, Me (Celex), Emolol, and Ely. These clips were all captured within just a couple of days so don't expect the best of the best, but I assure you, there are some great matches in here. I plan on making a better video before TR is over with, so this is just kind of something to check out for now.

Remember that all of these matches were recorded on the Tournament Realm. I really try to stick to using only clips from the TR (hence why I haven't had a video in a long time) because it's the most fair, and it's against the best players out there, making it more entertaining.

The music and editing was all rushed very quickly but I have vent recordings in there just like my previous videos, so I don't even think the music matters that much, its turned down a bit so you can hear us talking more so than the music.

If you have any questions, you can post them on our forums at www.gravitasgaming.net

Special thanks to Gravitas Gaming and Arenacast. Check out our weekly blogs at www.gravitasgaming.net and arenacast shows on Wednesday nights at www.arenacast.net

Addons used:
Nurfed Unit Frames
Enemy Cast Bar
Focus Frame
Scrolling Combat Text

Edit: I put a youtube stream up, there are 3 parts to it since you can only have 10 minute videos on youtube. If you watch it on youtube, PLEASE watch it in HQ.

UPDATE: There is a megaupload link from the GG website, follow the GG link to find it. Sorry it took so long, ENJOY!
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