Tosan Tribe - Razor Sharp by Tosan
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : US - Korgath ( Vengeance )
4.67 /5 68 ? ? 223 MB Correct Share
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Hello there!

Notice: This is not of my rogue, much like "Tango with Rodango" it's a short EDIT/SYNC movie with an alt. It's more like a PvP music video. Just a heads up :)

Pretty much gotta have the music loud because the editing will be obnoxious if you can't tell what it's synced to :P Music is The Prodigy - Razor

This is a movie I made a while ago with my brothers old warlock back around Season 5/few months after WotLK's release. Name was Rubbycart!

I just never got around to uploading it, because it's just a short edit movie with no major content I wanted to release it at the same time as several other "Tosan Tribe" series videos involving multiple different characters. The reason I didn't end up doing that is because I started losing more and more interest in the game (happens when you play it for 5+ years). My motivation dropped drastically.

This is during Season 5 time, the gear on him was pretty bad, hateful/tier 7, pre destro buffs and what not as you can tell from the fairly weak conflags. Also if you notice me chronically putting dot's up on people as destro that's because back then, the talent "Molten Core" as you may recall was part of the Destro tree and would give +15% fire damage proc from dots, so no I'm not just retarded =P

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Thanks for everything and hope you enjoy this short flick.
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