Sthel and Cleanse Return To The Life by Bence Kozma /Sthel/
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Ragnaros ( Rampage )
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Movie Summary
Magyar / English ---> you can see down in the page.
A t�rt�net�nk 2 kalandorr�l sz�l
akiket �sszek�t�tt a sors...
Az egyik n�v szerint Sthel �gyes csirkefog� h�r�ben �llt.
Sok ezer harcot megv�vott m�r az �let��rt,
s b�szkes�g��rt, de az akkoriban erős magas elfek
�s �lőhalottak v�res k�zdelme Őt sem ker�lhette
el.A S�t�t Kir�ly ellen folytatott harcon Arthas
elfogta őt,�gyess�ge r�v�n kiszabadult b�rt�n�ből
�s nem f�lt szembe n�zni az �lőholt seregnek a
vez�r�vel, de a vez�r fel�lkerekedett a harcban,de
m�gsem tudta Őt elpuszt�tani.A Frostmourne
seg�ts�g�vel siker�lt őt �lőhalott� v�ltoztatnia.
Sthel nem akart a gonoszhoz csatlakozni �s minden
erej�t �sszeszedve siker�lt uralnia a test�t.
Ez�rt hal�lt v�lasztotta probl�m�ja megold�sa k�ppen

10�vvel k�sőbb...

M�sik kalandorunk:
Cleanse akit ugyan csak �lőholtt� v�ltoztattak
,s az Ő csapata megmenek�lt a gonosz hatalma al�l
�s elkezdt�k ki�p�teni a Forsaken-t.Cleanse erős �s
okos pap h�r�ben �llt.R�gi k�nyvből olvasott Sthelről
,s nagy �rdeklőd�st tan�s�tott a felt�maszt�s m�gia ir�nt,
mert tudta , hogy Sthelnek �s neki van 1 k�z�s c�ljuk
A tanult pap megtal�lja a tolvaj holtest�t, �s mindent elk�vet
hogy az �let�t vissza adja neki.
Siker�lt Neki r�szlegesen vissza adni r�gi k�lsőj�t �s erej�t.
Ahogy fogytak a napok Sthel-nek az �llapota egyre jobban vissza esett.
Az �lőholt Kir�ly mindent elk�vetett hogy uralni tudja Sthel akarat�t...
Ez�rt Elhat�rozt�k hogy elutaznak �s v�get vetnek a gonosznak m�g van idej�k
�gy h�t
Sthel �s cleanse �tnak indult hogy birtokukba jusson a s�t�t kir�ly egyik er�forr�sa.
Az erővel a birtokukban Ar�n�kat v�vnak hogy fejlessz�k az �gyess�g�ket
Utaz�suk �s Harcuk sor�n j�bar�tok lettek.
El�rkezett a nap Amikor Szembe n�znek Az �lőholtak vez�r�vel!
A harc neh�znek �s hossz�nak ig�rkezett. Mind a ketten �sszeszedt�k minden erej�ket
�s �gy harcoltak vez�r ellen.
V�g�l sikerrel j�rtak! Legyőzt�k a megront�jukat.
Amint kilehelte a gonosz a lelk�t Sthel �s Cleanse vissza nyerte r�gi k�lsőj�t �s erej�t.
Ez lenne mes�nk v�ge? nem, mi csak a v�gzet j�t�kszerei vagyunk sz�mtalan lap van m�g h�tra...

Our story is about two adventurers
who the fate connected...
Sthel was rumoured to be a smart
chicken according to one of the names.
Many thousand fought already
for his life and his pride, but the strong
tall elfs and undead bloody war may not have
avoided him.On the fight continued
against the Lich King, Arthas
captured,but his cleverness broke out from
his prison on his ferry
and did not fear to face it whit the leader
of the scourge, but the leader prevailed in the
fight,but was not able to destroy him after
all.The Frostmourne he managed to transform
him into a livingdead with his help.Sthel did
not want to join the evil and on all of them
he managed to dominate his body gathering up his
strength.Because of this death the solution of
his problem elected it.

Ten years later...
Our other adventurer:
Cleanse who turned into a livindead, she and
her group escaped from under evil's force.They
started being built up the Forsaken.Cleanse
who strong and clever priest was rumoured to
be him.She read about Sthel and interrested
about magic of resurrection.She knew it, they
have one common goal.The educated priest has
found the thief corpse, and does her best to
revive him.She succeded partially back up to
gave his old skin and strenght.As the days were
running out Sthel state backup fallen.The
Lich King did his best to domminate his will.
They were decided to travel and and finish with
the scourge while they have time.Sthel & Cleanse
went away cause they wanted to get one of the
Lich King's dark energy.So they fight arenas
with the dark energy on their side, cause
they wanted to improve their dexterity.Under
the travel and fight they were become a
good friends.The day has come when they fight
against the Lich King.The fight promised to be
for lond and hard one.They gathered up their
strenght and they fought with it.
As soon as evil breathed his soul out, Sthel
and Cleanse back up their skin and strenght.
This would be our tale is it over?Is this
the and of our tale?No...we are uppons of fate,
there are still many pages to turn, and the
all things comes to begining.

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