2.5 yards per second by DODZ
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Warsong ( Blackout )
- /5 3 ? ? 46 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is the story of two people living in a world where the masters control the chosen at a mental level .
Master is some supreme being.
The protagonist decides to help his girlfriend to escape from the master's control, cuz she must go through the deletion.But the hero was deceived and he is trapped.
It's the guilt of one of the keepers, who promised to help, but he fears that the hero will reveal the secret of this world, because the chosen are
controlled by the players (gamers), but nobody has no idea of it, because it must be so long as there is this world!
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Zygor Guides

Movie Achievements

Views: 8,844
Daily Views: 1
Rating: - / 5
Category Rank: 4779

Author Information

WCM Fame: 19
Rank: 46,597 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 1
Total Views: 8,844

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