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Inner Sanctum down KJ
World 7th Kil'Jaeden kill by Inner Sanctum.
POV is Neeko's (Arms Warrior).

Personal thoughts:
The hardest boss in WoW that demands perfect execution.
Truly a great end-game boss for an expansion.
Kil'Jaeden did what Illidan could not.

The movie was recorded/rendered as .avi @ 1680x1050 res.
*I strongly reccomend downloading the movie in it's full pixalated glory rather then watching the FF/Vimeo stream!*

If you like the UI, google "Caith UI" R.I.P

Intro : A.F.I - Prelude 12 21
Song1: The Used - Pretty Handsome Awkward
Song2: Thousand Foot Krutch- Move
Song3: In Flames - Take this Life
Outro : Lupe Fiasco - Superstar

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