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World First: Method vs. Sartharion(10) 3 Drakes
World Firstkill of Sartharion 10m version with 3 Drakes.

This encounter is very challenging in the 10m version. Controlling the 3 Drakes while tanking Sartharion keeping the adds busy, coordinating the dps and healing....

Hopefully this video will give you a good view of the fight and how its done.

Holy Pala PoV - 51/0/20
Res.: 1920x1200


Raidsetup used:

Unholy DK
BM hunter*2

The Video starts when the first dragon just landed.

Tracks used:

Tisto presents Alone in the dark Edward Carnby
RF Project club de playa
MARIO LOPEZ - BLIND (CJ Stone meets Mr. P

Additional Information:

Recount in the bottom left corner is an older version
so the effective and overheal are shown together. That
explains the not correct healing done..