The Demon Hunter by Nixxiom
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Argent Dawn ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
"To walk the Path is to have no contradictions and to make no compromises. From the Rite of Becoming, the cutting of your eyes, you must dedicate your life in destroying the Burning Legion. Through your life you will wage this war, relentlessly. Your final solace will be to fall in battle against the Legion. That is all."


I know it's been awhile, but it's here! A project I've been working on for quite some time now simply called: The Demon Hunter. This video was made as a tribute to a friend of mine and is my longest WoW machinima piece to date. I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you all as well as future ideas that I've come up with recently. Despite having recently started school I'll do my best to keep providing for you all.

~~The Characters~~
-Selendis - The Demon Huntress, played by Ute Richter (Ludvera)
-Fel Elf Commander, played by Carsten Richter (Varath)
-Fel Elf Soldier, played by Gianni Matragrano
-Suriash - The Shan'do, played by Matt Greenberg

*Check out Varath and Ludvera's machinima channel here as well as their feature length movie Veil of Corruption 2:

*Gianni Matragrano's personal website can be found here. Check him out for any of your voice acting needs!

Check out the Argent Archives profiles for the characters this video is based off of:
-Selendis (The Demon Huntress)
-Suriash (The Demon Hunter / Shan'do)
-Ashevn (The Druid)

~~The Music~~
I claim no ownership of the following musical pieces that I've used in the video "The Demon Hunter." All of them are listed by order of appearance within the video:

1. The Old Republic OST - Korriban, The Homeworld by Mark Griskey
2. F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin Soundtrack - Headless Evil by Nathan Grigg and James Ackley
3. Amnesia OST - 04 - Grand Hall by Mikko Tarmia of Frictional Games
4. Diablo 3 OST - Demon Hunter by Russell Brower
5. Darksiders OST - Chaos eater by Cris Velasco, Mike Reagan and Scott Morton
6. Darksiders 2 - Demon Realm by Jesper Kyd

~~Final Words~~
The Demon Hunter will continue as a 3-part series that will showcase the life of not only Selendis, the Demon Huntress, but those close to her as well. The second addition to this series will be called "The Druid" which will center around the character Ashevn who is seen briefly at the end. What do these two characters have in common and what is their relation to Nixxiom and his character? You'll soon find out.

This video was originally made as a tribute to my old friend, Selendis. She was the girl who taught me how to live again during my stays with her in Sweden. For that, I'll forever be grateful and she'll always be in my heart because of it. Sadly the two of us no longer speak, but I wish her the very best whenever she comes into my thoughts. If you're reading this Selendis then all I can say is: Thank you.


"The Demon Hunter"
Made by, Nixxiom

Subscribe to stay updated with what I'm working on and to see future projects. Thank you all for keeping me motivated! Look forward to more machinima and pieces on my channel here:
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