Lich King 25 by Scholars of Light - Part 1 von Vlammenzee
Class: Magier | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Bronzebeard ( Reckoning )
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Part 2 -

This is a video of our Icecrown Citadel 25man Lich King kill from a mage point of view.

This is our 3rd lichking25 kill.decided to record it this you can see its a long fight.had to make it in 2 parts couse of the lenght.the fight itself is really cool.a lot of different fight mechanics over the 6 phases.since first time we downd him till now we spent well over 4/500 try's.with each week getting better with the phases.less people dying.better control on the valkyres.also making sure we dont have defile in the middle.this fight will remain fun no matter how much times u done it.

well done everyone again.keep it up and we'll show what were made of when it comes to heroic! :).

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