Golden Arts Presents: Evolution 4 - Faster than time von LOLiver
Class: Krieger | Category: Andere | Server : EU - Scarshield Legion ( Ruin )
4.63 /5 10 ? ? 210 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
When I first started this project I knew nearly nothing about adobe after effects, now when I finished this I know alot more and I feel this movie is ok for a first movie that is made by adobe after effects to around 80% of the movie.

Its not perfect, far from it, but I have to move on to other project's and finish this, and I hope you enjoy this and support it aswell if you think I deserve it.


What can you expect from this movie?

*around 5 min of pvp from warrior pov.
*A movie with a story. ( Machinima if you want to call it that )
*Effects, alot of effects, but not overused ones.
*Alot of details.
*Alot of misstakes aswell, Im aware of most of them. Even some typo's.



The first 2 logos showing in the movie is wcm one and Golden Arts wich belongs to my brothers.

The movie starts of with an introduction about a certain weapon made a long time ago and it is basically about a night elf that needs to pass on this weapon to someone that she can trust. After 16 years they found someone that can carry the weapon for another 100 years, someone strong enough to handle it's power and someone they know they can trust when feelings and emotions might get in the way.


This is not taken from any wow lore at all, its written by me and every sequence in the movie is made by me aswell. Music list and programs used will be written in the credits at the end.

The movie is around 15 min long.

I hope you can keep the critism constructive and honest aswell.

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