Another AVR Sketch von wthmerhaba
Class: Paladin | Category: Andere | Server : US - Arygos ( Nightfall )
4.88 /5 54 ? ? 91 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This one featuring a night elf warrior and druid, modeled after my two GMs

Im not too happy with the way this turned out, but out of the 8 tries I did on this picture, this one (my 6th try) turned out to be the best. I could have kept going and tried harder to get a better picture, but I got kinda frustrated because drawing night elves with a mouse really, really sucks after the 8th time

Despite some frusterations, this was still alot of fun to make

The music I used on this video;
Time To Go - Dropkick Murphys
This Too Shall Pass - OK Go
Helter Skelter - The Beatles

Some of you may notice the female night elf does not have a face. That is because after several tries I found out that I am terrible at drawing faces on a computer, which is weird because I have no problem with it on paper (or at least not anymore). I would have thought that it would come out to be somewhat decent when I tried, but no, its just awful. So, for the time being, it looked better to just leave it blank =/

PS- The parts in the video where the camera suddenly moves are most likely the parts where I turned off fraps to take a break

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