Professor putricide 25 Heroic by Scholars of Light von Vlammenzee
Class: Magier | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Bronzebeard ( Reckoning )
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Movie Summary

Music is from the Dire straits.

After 2 days of muted music couse of copyrights.They decided to accept the audio from yay :D

This is a video of our Icecrown Citadel 25man Hc PP kill from a mage point of view.

Very interesting fight.a lot of control is required here.its mainly 2 things that are different then normal.

1).Unbound Plague - spreads a damg debuff on a player that ticks each second for more and you want it to spread to another get rid of aware even when u dropped it of u still got a debuff that increases damg taken by 300% for a make sure to be spread away from people.u dont want the unbound plague on you again while the 300% debuff is still on watch around u for other people (8+ yards will do).

2).Another thing thats different from normal,at each phase 80% / 35% 2 oozes spawn.wich in normal is only 1.u get a buff/debuff that shows wich one you have to attack.if u pick the wrong target u only do 1 damg.

So far for me this is my favorite keeps u aware of things :D.

Feel free to make a comment or rate it. thanks.
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