Pompalompa 10: Original Recipe von Pompalompa
Class: Priester | Category: PvP | Server : US - Kel'Thuzad ( Nightfall )
4.87 /5 270 ? ? 1232 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Pompalompa's Arena Team 1
Scy/Kel Pomp Kulg/Duderal/FrankDaTank
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Pompalompa's Arena Team 2
Skiitzo Pompalompa Kulg
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Hello everyone, it is I, Pompalompa, coming out with yet another video. This marks the tenth priest video I've made. It consists mostly RMP on nightfall over 2 nights of play. I would like to thank my partners for this video for they are the best in the world and help make me look like a decent player in this amazingly awesome and fantastically wonderful game. Anyways enjoy.

O and because I obviously didn't sing the songs here is the list:
Mad World - Gary Jules (thanks Kurum)
Impossible - Anberlin
Exploder - Audioslave
Will and Elizabeth - Klaus Badelt
Pray Tell - Anberlin

Addon List:
Lose Control
Interrupt Bar
Purgeatory (the dispel one)

One last thing +Skill if you liked it :)

For some reason people haven't noticed this yet but in the first TWO scenes where the SW: Death does NOT break the CC it is due to a latency bug not because I was too early. If you look again you can clearly see I take SW:Death damage after being blinded/Scattered. I was not trying to dupe you in anyway. It was not my intention.
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