Pompalompa 12: This Game Sucks von Pompalompa
Class: Priester | Category: PvP | Server : US - Kel'Thuzad ( Nightfall )
4.84 /5 129 ? ? 979 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Pompalompa's Arena Team 1
worst player ever Whisper Quiet Best Accent NA
Similar Setups
I did all the editing in this video under 3 hours so don't complain. I sacrificed editing for humor (I hope). BTW the comp i run in this video is absolutely retarded and as a result there is absolutely no skill displayed in this video so for the love of god do NOT + skill me. Also the rumor that you have been hearing about frost dks' is true. Their vision is in fact based on movement. Also most of these fights except for the very last one is recorded on one night of play on the TR. Over half of our games are in this video so you can see how consistent my play is ROFL. Um what else. O as always I hope you enjoy.

Music List coming shortly.
Ain't Nothing Wrong With That - Robert Randolph
This River Is Wild - The Killers
Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons
Reckoner - Radiohead
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