Solo Flame Leviathan 4 Towers von zsun44
Class: Priester | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Barthilas ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
This encounter is purely vehicle combat, therefore it does not favour any specific class. Moreover, the player controlled vehicles becomes more powerful with increased ilvl.

The hard mode of this encounter is only possible due to the fact that switching from the driver's seat to the passenger seat resets the boss's aggro, although doing this also dramatically decreases your vehicle's max health. This means that being attacked while in the passenger seat will most likely lead to a wipe.

Start with a Demolisher, and expend all pyrite. The switch to passenger seat and grab 2 more pyrite while the boss is attacking another vehicle due to aggro reset. Expend those as much as possible before the boss reaches your demolisher. Pretty much rinse and repeat this process as much as possible. There is a second demolisher that can be used if the first one dips low on health. Keep in mind that changing to the passenger seat whilst the demolisher is low on health will most likely cause it to be destroyed instantly.
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