A Healer's Life #6 - Blood Furnace [1080p 60fps] von Irulesocks
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Al'Akir ( Blackout )
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Movie Summary
In this episode, we run Blood Furnace with a Death Knight Tank, Druid, Death Knight and Mage dps, and yours truly.A pretty normal run consisting of us just enjoying the old dungeon and admire the view of a certain TBC raid at the last boss.
1st Boss - The Maker - 4:14
2nd Boss - Broggok - 8:14
3rd Boss and spectacular view - Kel'Dan The Breaker 10:17
A Healer's Life is an attempt to bring back the simpler WoW videos, where you enjoyed the game for what it is.
What you'll find in these episodes is diversity, simplicity and calmness.
There are no songs, commentary or video effects derailing from the Warcraft experience. What you see here is pure unfiltered footage of a paladin rolling need everything he sees.
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 15,327
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Category Rank: 6381
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