Deepone 2 - The Goodbye Movie von Deepone
Class: Krieger | Category: Guides | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
4.08 /5 13 ? ? 290 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hello there!

It was pleasure to meat you all who have been playing on this server. My time has come, So I decided to leave at least something behind. I will really miss all my friends (dont wanna name, I would definitely forget some) but I am doing this for good. It all started when I was thinking about quiting WOW, so I decided to make my second and also last movie.
Its called "Deepone 2: The Goodbye Movie" It was edited in 2days so I hope you will like its music, scenes, and also have fun with it. In my movie you will see my warrior and my 2nd charr which is blue geared druid named Drudie. I started play him when I could not find any good guild for my warrior. There are many reasons why i decided to quit wow so pls dont ask me why. I will miss you all. Good bye.

BTW: You will be able to find me at FM quakenet channel if u want to talk with me. but from 12/2/2006, 22:00 Gametime Deepone or Drudie will not be online anymore. If ever come back, it will be sing that I solved all my problems in RL, etc.

At last I hope u will enjoy my movie, there are no special effect, but I tried adjust music with frags, and choosed some good songs, situations etc.
Some actions are quiete old and you will also find out that not all chars are level 60.


Google (Stream 40% quality) - > I dont recomending to use this link, its really bad quality, dunno why - >

12/02/2006 R.I.P., your Deepone, Frostmane, Tauren Warrior .
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