Halaa Guard Solo'd von Buddhist
Class: Schurke | Category: Andere | Server : US - Black Dragonflight ( Stormstrike )
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Movie Summary
1,181,000 damage done... 60,000 damage taken.

So I was bored, and for some reason this type of thing entertains me. Unfortunately, the first couple attempts at this were foiled due to evade bugs and alliance interference. I got it this time, though!

I was specced 0/34/27 for this... It woulda been a lot easier if I were 11/26/24, but w/e. I used no potions, got no buffs or heals, and no one else touched the Guard. I simply used bandages and cannibalize.

Special thanks to Anovan, Trave, and Voracity for guarding me during my attempts.

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