Against the World II von Rushz
Class: Mehrere | Category: PvP | Server : US - Thorium Brotherhood ( Vengeance )
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Movie Summary
Please Read before watching: This is a twink video, so if you do not like watching them, i would probably suggest giving this video a miss. As it is a twink video, there is no World PvP, only BG's, duels and Arenas. However, please do not make any misconceptions because it's a twink vid, We know how to play our respective classes.

This is going to be our last 39 video since Slovan, Jenif and Trippz are leveling out of the bracket. Because of this it is a bit rushed and not up to the quality we were hoping to keep the series.

Look for more videos from us in the 59 and 70 bracket.

Song List:
Chainheart Machine - Soilwork
Zombie Slam - Pain
You're Gunna Go Far Kid - Offspring

P.S: Just some clarification, the 39 druid Ulger is Jenif's alt.

Hope you enjoy.

EDIT: Vimeo Stream is up, watch that if you decide to stream, filefront is :(

Lastly: If you liked this, and haven't seen our first one, here it is:

We also have a few mini vids to showoff some 'Tricks':
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4.52 /5

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