QuiterCleave slaying Ratslayers par Carriedby
Class: Druide | Category: PvP | Serveur : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
- /5 4 ? ? 89 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Disband Team
Agency Shadowballs Seksiie
Similar Setups
Killing Braindeadly and Jimos playing alts or boosting characters or what ever. ( we know its them due certain reasons )

What not to expect:
- A viable combo
- Rogues
- Mages
- Priests
- Legendarys
- Gear
- Pro editing
- Affliction warlock

What to expect:
- Stoned Warlock in a Netcafe
- Rusty warlock/shaman quited the game came back this week.
- Shaman in Ruthless gear
- Destruction warlock ( u mad? )
- First time playing the setup
- High win lose ratio

One more thing to say, they dropped 140 mmr and got mad logged their mains.
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