Scammers of Stormscale - DS HC / FL HC Scams par Mrvincenzo
Class: Multiple | Category: Autre | Serveur : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary
This is a short video of a conversation i frapsed with the scammers.

I'l explain below a short story of what was going on...

So yesterday, it whas around 05.00 AM
Guy Called Blacktintin or something, from the guild Invidia [Stormscale EU]
Whas spamming in trade /2 WTS HC 8/8 Boost Quickly /w Fast
So i whas excited about his offer, i replied & asked how much, he made me add him on skype, so i did.
Bit later he accepted me , said the price etc
Then told me to pay upfront, wich i found a bit unussual
But hey, no idea how these trades go so i tought, fuck it ,50k g for madness alone, might never get a chance like this.
So i traded him 50k and next day woke up talked with him on skype . they called me & started shouting i got scammed etc etc..

True its stupid of me, but still. heres just a little clip i frapsed of them.

Warning to others : watch out when you do these trades lol .. they told me they made over 360k gold that day, in 2 hours, just by scamming [They are with a group of 3 people]
Is a 17-23yr Dutch[Netherlands] kid, who pretends to be a girl from
I'l leave the skypes down here so you never to talk with them about boosts--

[removed by admins] [Ingame char ????]

[removed by admins] [Ingame Char =r�ph�el - Stormscale EU

[removed by admins] [Ingame Char = Nellosan - stormscale EU

I hope you guys dont make same mistake as i do, i'l post this on forums etc, just to raise awaressness of this happening.

Enjoy your evening guys/girls :)

Edit : the most funny thing happened yesterday, i Went DS 10m & raidleaders were r�ph�el & Nellosan, Then suddenly they began talking dutch .wich isn't really that weird, but the guys skype whas nellothepaladin, and his char whas nellosan [Paladin] and Both said same shit to other players. lol then i started to realise it whas the scammers lol, i found their ingame names, & i posted them above here. The guy in call [ Andy ] Ingame they said : Lets get andy in?] at that point i whas so certain it whas them. then they said some stuff in dutch wich clarified it whas the scammers rofl. enough said.

If your going to scam, remember the fucking person you scammed & dont invite him to raid, Fucking shit scammers :)
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