Roflroguezor - Twink PvP par goz
Class: Voleur | Category: PvP | Serveur : EU - Dunemaul ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
Yes, I've made a twink.
'Why?' Mostly cause I got sick of 60BG when there were no pre-made to join, and when you almost everytime lost with randoms. I know how to PvP in 60, but it just aint fun anymore. So Omgpie gave me the idea to create a twink.

For u nabs that doens't know what a twink is, it's a kind of alt that have been boosted thro hard instances and quests until your 19, stay there and wtfpwn the opposite faction.

Roflroguezor, level 19 gnome Twink rogue.
Got the standard Twink gear for a rogue such as Leggings of the Fang, Feet of the Lynx etc.

So after playin and getting the gear I thought was good enough + enchants I decided to film some, and the movie is now done, enjoy.

Allakhazam profile:

Btw, get more horde twinks on Dunemaul, almost no BG 10-19 >.<

Btw, if you DON'T like twinks at all, dont bother to download or give comments!.
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