2450 2v2 2MADD by Nurfme (Madd)
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : US - Windrunner ( Reckoning )
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Nurfme (Madd)'s Arena Team 1
Maddlexie Gamax
Similar Setups
Hey , I really appreciate everyone who enjoyed my 2nd video. If you have not, do not worry because I am working long and hard to perfect a third. Which I have already started and can be found under my Filefront called Madd v3.0 Preview.

This is an Warlock/Shaman 2v2 ARENA only movie with my partner Gamax and I duking it out at ~2450. Please download if you want best quality. This was all recorded on Feb. 11th & 12th after patch 3.0.9. Some of these rogue�s damage were still 150% on Mut with poisons despite the nerf. Currently we are top 10 in our battle group (Reckoning) but we have only played together for 2 days.

Teams we fought in order of of appearance:
Resto Shaman/ Mut Rogue
Disc Priest/ Rogue
Death Knight/ Shaman
Frost/Arcane Mage/ Rogue
Holy Paladin/ Fury Warrior
Ret Paladin/ Rogue
Hunter/ Priest
Resto Shaman / Lock
Survival Hunter/ Feral Druid

Dead & Gone by T.I. and J.T.
Don�t Trust me by 3oh!3
This Suffering by Billy Talent
Help I�m Alive by Metric
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

Mods used (available at curse.com or wowinterface)
SCT - for scrolling combat text
Gladius � mod that targets makes a clickable target box and tells me CD of trinket + duration of cc
CCtracker � tracks CC time
Afflicted � tracks enemy cool downs
Xperl � unit frames
Bartender � Changes bars how I want it
Pminimap � map mod
Quartz- gives me better casting bars
Omni cc- cooldown timer

Only mod that�s really useful is Gladius + CCtracker


Hit me up on Arenajunkies.com as Maddlexie if you have any questions

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