The Curse of Stormwind by Cosmos
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Movie Summary
Le Roi Varian Wrynn est le fils du Roi Llane Wrynn et le p�re du prince Anduin Wrynn. Lorsque son p�re mourut des mains de Garona lors de la premi�re guerre contre les orcs, Varian Wrynn �tait trop jeune pour gouverner et laissa la nation d'Azeroth �tre gouvern�e par Anduin Lothar. Apr�s la fin de la Seconde Guerre et la mort de Lothar, Varian put enfin gouverner et resta fid�le � l'Alliance et � Lordaeron, qui avaient permis de reconqu�rir son royaume.

Hurlevent commen�a � se reconstruire, gr�ce � l'aide des autres nations de l'Alliance et aux ma�ons dirig�s par Edwin VanCleef qu'ils engag�rent. C'est pendant cette p�riode que Varian se maria � Tiffin Wrynn, qui lui donna un fils qu'il appela Anduin, nomm� en l'honneur de Lothar. Mais c'est �galement � cette �poque que des troubles commenc�rent � apparaitre dans le royaume. La Maison des nobles, tr�s puissante et influenc�e par Dame Katrana Prestor, refusa de payer les ma�ons autant qu'ils avaient demand�. Ceux-ci se r�volt�rent et il s'en suivit de violentes �meutes dans les rues d'Hurlevent, et l'une d'entre elle couta la vie � la Reine.

Les ma�ons quitt�rent la ville et devinrent la Confr�rie D�fias, et le roi tomba dans une grave d�pression.

Peu apr�s, le Roi Varian Wrynn disparu dans des circonstances �tranges. Il fut en r�alit� captur� par des D�fias qui l'emmen�rent sur une �le proche de Theramore, l'�le d'Alcaz.


Varian Wrynn was born to King Llane Wrynn in the Kingdom of Azeroth and as a youth lived a joyful and prosperous life as prince of Stormwind. But all that changed when the orcs appeared from beyond the Dark Portal and attempted to destroy his homeland, thus ushering in the First War between his beloved Kingdom of Azeroth and the Horde.

Varian was officially crowned King of Stormwind at the age of eighteen.

The Stonemasons, led by Edwin VanCleef, came to lend their help in rebuilding Stormwind and hoped to forge a new future for themselves, with aspirations that riches would soon follow their work's completion. After many months Stormwind was finished, reborn as a kingdom of majesty and architectural brilliance eclipsing even its once-pristine condition before the First War. It was during this time of renewed tranquility that Varian would marry a young, beautiful woman named Tiffin and conceive a son, Anduin.

However, the corrupt House of Nobles, under the influence of Katrana Prestor, refused to adequately pay the Stonemasons for its work. King Varian was unable to negotiate a resolution because the nobility held too much political power and outmaneuvered him repeatedly.
Though the Stonemasons were compensated for their work, they received a fraction of the pay they had earned, and so Edwin VanCleef and the Stonemasons set to rioting in the streets of Stormwind, demanding just compensation. The riot was dangerous and chaotic and in the confusion Varian's young queen was brutally murdered. Edwin VanCleef fled Stormwind with the Stonemasons while Varian mourned Tiffin's death. He fell into a great depression.

After things has settled down following the Third War, he was abducted by the Defias who had been told of his diplomatic trip through a spy rumored to live within the Kingdom of Stormwind itself. Rumors circulated that he was taken to Alcaz Island and was held captive there.
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