Dawn - Part 1 by Keytal
Class: Priest | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
4.88 /5 128 ? ? 385 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hey Guys!

I know alot of people have been waiting for this long enough and some already started to doubt that it was going to happen at all.

If you do not know about this project: This is a machinima using only Warcraft 3 materials. The movie was planned to be long and you will see the first part here. Expect a proper beginning not an action packed machinima ( action will come too ).

Well I would say It did not go that smooth as I wanted and this product is just a small shard of the great story ... also very late.

We put the project on hold but definitaly didnt give up on it. The reason it is on hold now because many of us got RL stuffs to focus on ( GZ Alan - Main Actor - to your new born baby, I hope everything is going well :)

Even tho it is far from being finished I would like to show to the public because there is alot of effort in it and hope you will enjoy this.

I really hope we will pick it up again and show more from this story because it would be a great waste to finish like this.

Also I got new equipment to work with finally so the next episodes ( yes I will release episodes from it ) will be in HD - 1080p

Thanks for all the Voice actors who participated in and hope we can get going again and continue Dawn.

Alan Reinhackel
Jesse Cox
Christopher M. Grant
Stephen Ognibene
Mario Iotti
Matt Hofeling

And all the other very talented Voice Actors who helped me with the project.

I am going to get in contact with you guys soon to discuss how to continue.

For you guys who are going to watch it: Hope you will enjoy!

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