Legends Trailer #2 by Lucas Cedergren
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Talnivarr ( Reckoning )
4.98 /5 206 ? ? 91 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hey People. This movie will be released here on WCM in 30 days from today (today is 17/8 2010).This is due to exclusive rights from another site. I hope you will stay tuned!

After centuries of conflict the world of Azeroth has found, at long last, sense of peace and well being.
New generations rise and new allegiances are forged in a brave and exciting new world with hope of an even brighter
tomorrow - but in these times there are those who would seek to crush hope and extinguish the light. Minds dark and
twisted, focused only on spreading the darkness that clings to there very being.
Unaware of this dark rising Azeroth continues, in blissful ignorance, to enjoy newfound freedoms, unknowingly walking
towards their demise.
But there were once heroes. Some would say.. Legends.
Brave warriors who selflessly sacrificed themselves to protect their people. But that was long ago, things have changed and the heroes of old have been scattered and forgotten, un-needed.. Until now.
Maybe if they could be found in time.. Maybe the course of this dark destruction could be averted.

All hope now rests on the shoulders of two young, fresh faced Warriors, as they rush to save Azeroth and reunite the
heroes who can once more restore peace to the world.

Finaly this 4 year long project is coming to an end. The movie will be realsed within a month for sure this time. We already have a old trailer up but since that was uploaded 2 years ago I decided to make a new one. We really hope you enjoy this one!

General info about the movie:
It will end up at about 60 min.
This is part 1 of 3.
Nowadays most movies are made in modeleviwer, I'm definitely not complaining, not at all. But we kind of missed
the real-in-game movies. So this movie is done 95% in-game, mostly on a private server but allso on the EU
server Talnivarr.
Release date is estimated before september, if everyting goes well.

So we very much hope that you enjoy the trailer and we will try to give you the movie as soon as possible.

Best regards.
Lucas Cedergren "Lima"
Christian.O.M�ller "Kennay"
J Weaver "Keamon".
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Zygor Guides

Movie Achievements

Views: 101,852
Daily Views: 19
Rating: 4.98 / 5
Category Rank: 421

Author Information

Lucas Cedergren
WCM Fame: 49
Rank: 1,708 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 2
Total Views: 177,241
Zygor Guides

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