Alysrazor 10 man Heroic Mode ( Whipe @ Frostmane ) by Raphz0r
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
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Movie Summary
First off: no music. Trying to find 15 minutes worth of music that not only fits together, it can't be neither monotone, or an ear-sore for those that normally don't listen to the genre. I tried many, many different combinations, and none really felt right. Even when I found one or two songs, I was still tops 1/3 in with the music, and stopping with 2/3 no music in the killvid would make it even weirder. So the choice was no music at all.

About the fight:
We had nailed this boss many, many tries ago. What kept people so long from actually executing it properly is beyond me, but I somewhat suspect this boss to be the t12 version of Atramedes. Easy mechanics, easy to execute, but you're plagued by random deaths for no apparent reason. I, in particular died quite a lot, forcing the rest to wipe when my hatchling went on the raid. Even with a CR, that add has to be dealt with before I could (or would, rather), accept the CR.

Also, if you notice a few lagspikes here and there (fps dropping, not latency shooting), it's not your computer, it was mine. Because of the length of the encounter, and how I've pre-allocated space on my storage hard drive, when the footage shoots over that 5% pre-allocation, things start to get ugly. Though when looking at the movie, it felt rather okay. In-game however, it was a.... uh, an unpleasantry. To say the least. I died from it. A lot.
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