Baleroc 10 man Heroic Mode ( Whipe @ Frostmane ) by Raphz0r
Class: Paladin | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Frostmane ( Misery )
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Movie Summary
About the movie (making):
The holydin in the raid frapsed and sent over his footage, and I decided to try something rather radical. Instead of jumping back and forth like in normal multi-PoV killvids, I dedicated his entire footage to some dead space on my screen. Watchign the movie I noticed it gave some pretty decent perspective, much like a rearview mirror, it shows what's going on where my PoV don't show.

I also went all out with the music, trying to see how something completely different plays out.

About the kill:
A few people had to work, some had social events, etc, so we originally decided not to raid this evening. Our RL was rather OCD that we hadn't managed to kill Baleroc yet, so he arranged a semi-raid, so we at least could attend the second half of it. Since it was such a small window, and purely dedicated to this boss, I reforged everything into avoidance. I had higher TBM (To Be Missed) than block chance. 18,97% dodge, 18,77% parry (+5% miss) vs 41% block.

My strat:
I'll try including this section for tanks who tries to figure out what I did in the movies. The fight consists of alternating "phases" for the tank. Normal (physical) phase and magic phase. There's two different magic phases, but the "normal" phase is always the same.
* I used +armor pot on the first and last normal phase.
* I used DP + TB trinket for inferno (magical) phase.
* I used Holy Shield at the start of every Normal (physical) phase, to make it easier for healers during the transitions (in case of target switches or whatever).
* I sort of winged the Decimation phase, since I had reforged into avoidance for that phase alone, I had to compensate in the other phases instead.

If you look closely, you will see that I avoid A LOT of damage thanks to the reforging. 42,74% avoidance is not to play around with. Baleroc tanked me, not the other way around.
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