Alterac Valley - Wildpaw Ridge exploration by Suloxo Entertainment
Class: Priest | Category: Other | Server : EU - Norgannon ( Hinterhalt )
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Movie Summary
Wildpaw Ridge is a Wildpaw Gnoll camp located in the mountains to the east of Field of Strife. Due to an avalanche, their camp is blocked off from the rest of Alterac Valley. (see Patch 1.8)
Der "Wildpfortengrat" (engl. Wildpaw Ridge) wurde mit Patch 1.8 f�r Spieler unzug�nglich gemacht. Mehr informationen �ber dieses Gebiet findet ihr unter:

We are currently trying to convince Blizzard to re-implement the Old -School Alterac Valley battleground! The purpose of this video is to show all those new players who had no chance to participate in the those epic battles. Which could last for several days. How unique and stunning this "feeling" was.

We want to show as many people as possible how much fun this Battleground was! If you like the Vanilla Alterac Valley as much as we do, then please post a thread in your respective battle-net forum and discuss the idea of re-implementing this Battleground!

We managed to collect 26 pages of positive replies,
( )
which points out that this thematic seems to be really important to many players all around the world!

Let's Fight together in order to get our beloved battleground back!

In der Hoffnung das Blizzard das Old School Alterac Valley wieder einf�gt soll dieses Video neuen Spieler zeigen wie das Alteractal fr�her einmal war. F�r genau Informationen �ber das alte Alteractal ist der "Guide" von Ryson perfekt, hier entlang:

Ihr k�nnt euch noch an die guten alten Zeiten erinnern, Seid neugierig oder m�chtet einmal mit mischen beim Projekt: Old School Alterac Valley?
Hier die Links!

Projekt: Oldschool Alterac Valley jeden Samstag:

Jetzt oder nie! Spieler des Classic Avs vereinigt euch!(derzeit 26 Seiten!) :

Update: 2 Thread zum selben Thema online da 26 Seiten das cap ist

Jetzt oder nie Spieler des Classic AVs vereinigt euch #2
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