Dragon Strike Team: Episode 7 - Gnomish Superiority by shadowpics
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Moon Guard ( Emberstorm )
4.77 /5 5 ? ? 309 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
After leaving Stormwind, Kirahu and Ozumaru make their way to Hillsbrad. Stopping at Khaz Modan, they find out that there's a civil war going on between The Dwarves and The Gnomes. Choosing to help the Dwarves with their situation, will Kirahu and Ozumaru be able to stop a plan so diabolic with only a drunk to help them?

Find out on this exciting episode of DST.
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 63,659
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Rating: 4.77 / 5
Category Rank: 824
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