Cral Shadowstep PvP 2 by Tehseus
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Anetheron ( Glutsturm )
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Movie Summary
Hi everybody its me again, Theseus.

A lot of people asked me to make another movie with my friend�s rogue when he reached level 70, and so i did.

My gear has not changed much since the last movie. In some clips I�m using s1 mace wich slightly improves my dmg :) but still I have something like 40 resilence and 8.8k hp.
One thing some people dindn�t like about my first movie was that the opponents either hat crappy gear or sucked. Well this changed, all opponents I fight can play(Exeot maybe for the t6 shadowpriest and the PvE locks^^) and have mostly like full pvp epics.
Also you will see duels against any class.
The movie is pure dueling fun, tell me if I should include some bg if i�ll make another.
And PLEASE donwload the movie, 400 mb is not much for 30 minuits.

I also included some music I personaly like very much this time, like AC/DC , Queen or Bob Marley :)

I realy hope you enjoy watching

Theseus (Playing Cral)

Btw if you are interested here are the links to my older movies :

Feel the Justice 1:

Feel the Justice 2:

Cral 1:
Edit: Please contact me if you cand handle stage6, i didn�t mange to upload it there yet :> e-mail: [email protected].
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