M'uru Down - Exodus US-Kel'thuzad by Kaywarrior
Class: Shaman | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Kel'Thuzad ( Nightfall )
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Movie Summary
Hey guys.

This is Exodus' first kill on the 5th encounter in Sunwell, M'uru. It is a Resto shaman's PoV, and it shows what we do during phase 2, and most of phase 1, at least one door.

If you don't like the music I suggest muting it and playing your own in the background. Also please excuse the lack of editing, as we tried to release this video as soon as possible.

This is the US First/World Second Kill.

Our raid make-up is as follows:
3 Warriors (2 DPS, 1 Prot)
4 Rogues
2 Paladins (1 Prot, 1 Holy)
5 Shaman (2 Enhance, 3 Resto)
3 Druids (1 Resto, 2 Feral)
2 Mages
3 Warlocks
3 Priests (2 Shadow, 1 Holy)

#Exodus @ irc.uberguilds.net

Our second kill video is here: http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=74599

It shows the fight from a mage PoV, again with no editing, but it clearly shows all of phase 1 and phase 2.

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Daily Views: 44
Rating: 2.71 / 5
Category Rank: 68

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WCM Fame: 70
Rank: 208 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 11
Total Views: 792,497
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