Movie Summary
In spite of the fact that I wasn�t sure if I would post this, I decided to because I thought it was pretty entertaining and that there hasn�t been much to discuss/post since the end of season 4. This is a selection from some duels I had against neilyo a few weeks ago, patch 3.0, no dismantle used. Although I�m not sure of the record (too many duels) I will say that he had the upper hand in terms of the ratio of duels won while being opened on and I give him the edge in terms of rogue v rogue.
Juno Reactor - Mona Lisa Overdrive
Ramallah - Days of Revenge
Skillet - Falling Inside the Black
I really haven�t taken rogue vs. rogue seriously until recently. I used to feel that it was almost completely based on the opener and maybe some luck, but I�ve changed my mind. While the opener gives a big advantage, if the person being opened on has prep, the fight goes a lot deeper.
Vanishing blinds is a huge reality; it equates to a guessing game coupled with reaction time scenario (guessing the person will trinket �> blind or trinket�> vanish, which isn�t much of a guess because if they don�t they�ll be reopened on without a trinket. Reaction comes in response to the other player�s trinket). There�s also the threat of being blinded out of vanish, wherein one rogue tries to vanish a blind but instead is blinded out because the rogue blinding hesitates very slightly on purpose. Another thing you�ll see here is blinding a blind, which is used in reaction to a rogue trinket �> blinding, and the rogue being blinded reacting with blind. (I realize this paragraph may be confusing).
I was opening as mutilate and being opened on as prep because if you�re being opened on without prep you have a very slim chance of winning, even if you were to vanish the blind. I�m more experienced with mutilate but I�ve got a pretty good handle on how to try to respond with prep.
Anyway, hopefully you enjoy the video, and try not to over-think it.
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