Server view : Grim Batol

Title Class Date Size Rating DLs
"I am Murloc" Performed Guitar hero 3 Unknown08-07-141003.4726394
1187 Fire Damage MageMage07-03-201332.4720062
15 man firemaw!Hunter06-09-30202.727143
2v2 Arena Match's Disc Priest and ArmsWarrior13-01-20163-19244
3v3 Arena KFC Hunter/Warrior/Restro MiWarrior12-10-3199-8518
3v3 Arena Match Rsham, Spriest ,WarrioWarrior13-01-1977-26302
3v3 Arena Warrior, Spriest, RSham VS EWarrior13-01-2285-13230
5.2 FURY WRECKSTORM ARENAS (PTR)Warrior13-02-0371-186354
70 Twink PvP - �uckz and Facerollxx (RMultiple12-04-28188-12326
A call to arms - World of Warcraft - HMultiple14-09-3011-12025
Ab done easyMage06-12-171474.103419
AB vs Blood-Queen Lana'thelPaladin10-01-26154-12016
AB vs Lady Deatwhisper HeroicShaman10-02-23148-15162
AB vs Lich KingShaman10-02-17226-10291
Ab vs Professor PutricideDruid10-01-10379-10253
AB vs Professor PutricidePaladin10-01-13227-11802
Adrenaline Rush bugRogue07-01-17484.566577
Afreak outdoor pvpWarlock09-10-27104-7326
Algalon 10 Man -EX 1st KillPaladin09-06-25339-15563
Angeles - Honor and JusticePaladin09-03-105174.6837926
Anger Management 1Warrior09-08-09141-13232
Anger Management 2Warrior09-08-09368-25365
Anomaly Fire Mage PvP 6.0.3Mage15-02-22275-11313
Another Rogue pvp movieRogue10-09-0678-6009
Anub'Arak - Tribute to Insanity 10 manWarlock09-11-10132-4813
AR Hemo PvPRogue07-04-102973.7149358
Arcane pvpMage08-01-281253.9716053
Archangel, Grim Batol Vs. Lady VashjDruid08-01-21402-9097
Arena-Tournament Warrior/Priest TraileWarrior09-12-15223-38872
Ashaman vs Faction ChampionsDeath Knight09-09-20151-6890
Ashaman vs Lord JaraxxusDeath Knight09-09-20155-5538
Asp PvP (as Mage, Rogue and Death KnigUnknown10-05-31264-7420
Aurora Borealis - Beth'tilac 25m herPriest11-07-15113-11859
Aurora Borealis - Ragnaros 25m NormaPriest11-07-04153-9908
Aurora Borealis VS Halion 25 HeroicDeath Knight10-11-09344-13067
Aurora Borealis VS Lich King 25 HeroicDeath Knight10-11-25224-16265
Aurora Borealis Vs. DeathwingPriest11-12-061973-12254
Aurora Borealis Vs. Ragnaros 25man herPriest11-10-081962-12562
Aurora Borealis Vs. Sinestra25Priest11-04-04124-9829
Bacon MageMage13-01-09340-10459
Baf 0 - Just a feral druid saying goodDruid12-11-13398-7590
Balance Vs Hafius WyrmbreakerPriest10-11-17286-8197
Balance vs Halfus WyrmbreakerShaman10-12-11383-11868
Balance vs Halfus Wyrmbreaker HeroicPriest11-01-0881-4787
Balance VS Lich King Hardmode - Disc PPriest10-11-03193-12549
Balance vs Valiona and TheralionShaman10-12-11466-29854
Balance vs. Anub'arakDeath Knight10-01-08467-17752
Balance vs. Faction ChampionsDeath Knight10-01-08314-18109
Balance vs. JaraxxusDeath Knight10-01-08257-19468
Balance vs. PutricideRogue10-01-11482-22856
Balance vs. Twin Val'kyrsDeath Knight10-01-09225-19753
Bamsepung PvP - big critsWarrior08-12-28622.6414752
Baron Mount Guide Prot Paladin 10minPaladin09-02-02190-8631
Beyond - I Choose You, SteelbreakerDruid09-08-22192-12517
Beyond - I Could Say That This Cache WDruid09-09-17148-11350
Beyond vs Heilion Heroic 10Druid10-09-02328-16056
Black TempleMage07-04-02591.7717692
Blulf - A Mage PvP videoMage07-08-211273.6310210
Booyakasha Inflames 5.3 Fire MageMage13-08-14171-10751
BUBBLE ON 1HP IN ARENA WTF?Warrior12-11-3014-5545
Chacaron (WoW style)Unknown10-06-03117-11064
Cheesewiz vol. 1Warrior07-07-312842.4065310
Cho'gall - InsomniousPriest11-03-27220-5996
Clearcast - BRM Fun.Mage09-10-15605-123943
Clearcast 2 - Frost MageMage09-01-146474.81114351
Clearcast 2 TeaserMage08-11-25393.5912588
Clearcast 3Mage09-12-291637-264972
Clearcast 3 TrailerMage09-12-1726-27753
Clearcast Frost Mage - TeaserMage08-08-09133.8320637
Coldflames 1Mage11-04-25467-8643
Conundrum VS Magmaw Heroic 10manMultiple11-03-25539-6426
Cyde 5 - Extreme Warrior PvP (Level 90Warrior12-12-01221-11646
Cyde: A Name To RememberWarrior12-03-07206-6895
Cyde: A Name To Remember (Part 2)Warrior12-03-03206-15452
da mortal strikeWarrior09-07-14327-7390
Daddi 2 - Mage PvPMage07-07-151783.1653975
Daddi FiremageMage06-08-122713.1719596
Dakkroth - Arena Tournament 1Warlock11-05-24247-67305
Dakkroth - Arena Tournament 2Warlock11-05-2599-54440
Deathclaws PvP movie 2Hunter06-08-011023.253129
Deliverance vs Deathbringer SaurfangHunter09-12-13186-15320
Deus Ex Machina Vs. Lady VashjShaman07-06-02110-8512
Deus Ex Machina Vs. Lady VashjShaman07-06-021102.8812665
Dimensional Hailion 10man Heroic RealmPriest10-07-21308-7171
Dimensional LK HC 10Mage10-09-13253-8878
Dimensional Sindragosa 25Priest10-08-13105-8323
Dimensional vs. Halfys Wyrmbreaker 25hPriest11-02-0797-9899
Dimensional vs. Lich King 25m HeroicPriest10-11-09321-35033
Dimensional vs. Nefarian 25Priest11-01-20150-9098
Disc Priest KFC MoviePriest13-05-04316-13191
Discipline Priest Arenas #1 - Mop 5.3 Priest13-07-16979-149946
disilol 2Priest12-08-12726-6420
disilol 3Priest12-08-13974-7270
disilol 4Priest12-08-20823-6728
disilol 5Priest12-08-26883-7722
disilol 6Priest12-09-16927-5700
disilol 7Priest12-09-161248-7356
disilol 8Priest12-09-24770-11382
Dixzedy I RMP. Wotlk classic.Priest23-01-251102-51584
Draake - Facemelting ft TrigshadyPriest10-02-13320-61765
Draake 2.8k SP / MagePriest10-08-20986-477618
Dreterd - 60 Fire Mage PvPMage11-10-28601-7169
Drifting World PvP 5 (six years out)Mage13-02-05995-223771
Druid+DK ArenaDruid09-08-06234-14319
Druid+Dk vs Mage+Rogue - 2350 ratingDruid10-07-0223-29572
Duke - Destruction in heartWarlock10-12-01795-13183
Dwarven RolexPaladin14-10-2916-13180
Earthsheild Mania - Resto Shaman PvPShaman07-07-024853.6712543
Ena - Goodbye ClassicWarrior21-01-221883-19438
Enhancement Shaman Solo Yogg-Saron 25 Shaman14-03-31229-105742
Eon Vs. Malygos 25Druid08-11-26343-16872
EPIC Rated Battleground Mists of PandaWarrior12-11-05495-7748
Eskaa And Cradixx Warrior pvpWarrior12-01-01568-6272
EuroTrash VS. Nefarian 10 HeroicPaladin11-06-08645-11417
EuroTrash VS. Valiona and Theralion 10Paladin11-06-04450-8075
Exellon 1: Fire PvPMage08-01-102704.4319903
Extreme Solo PvE 4Mage07-01-175484.6742015
Fallen Angels: Void ReaverMage07-10-3079-3729
Falling does Ulduar10: HodirShaman09-06-07221-19508
Feral druid 2v2 arenasDruid12-07-11218-5683
Five Warlocks do ScholoWarlock06-07-10343.719157
Flame Leviathan Solo by Z�pHunter10-08-0983-17609
Four Legendaries!Priest12-08-11106-10028
Foxtail - Crits to the Face (Rogue PvPRogue10-11-10397-10323
Frazboz Ret Hunter 2v2 Ret Hunter RShaPaladin11-04-0665-7103
Frigid Chokeslams The WorldPriest08-04-303734.0211045
Frigid Chokeslams The World 1.5Priest08-07-055393.888557
Frost Mage PvPMage10-11-30142-5588
Frozen Death Knight's 2011 Voice ActinPaladin11-02-196-10812
Funny MachinimaMultiple12-12-0719-17523
Funny Rated Battleground! High rated tWarrior12-11-07442-5641
Funtiem pvpPriest10-08-10546-9291
Geneticlol 7 - 2300 WRD and World PvPRogue11-05-12226-42206
Gibson Against The ZergDruid10-11-20378-9196
GM fighting monsterUnknown12-12-0635-19697
Gnomish Wpvp StoryMage16-06-131771-181594
Gnomish Wpvp Story 2Mage17-03-241160-127859
Good Vs. KarathressWarrior07-05-23235-5171
Guyd - Mage pvpMage09-11-28622-80909
Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10 Man Heroic - DeuPaladin11-01-20222-15797
Hardmode kill of Northrend BeastsDeath Knight10-01-09430-19757
Heigan the Unclean DDR StyleWarlock06-08-221094.8119323
Hexed Vs. Anub'ArakRogue09-09-29350-14513
Hexed vs. Saurfang 10manRogue09-12-14468-15265
Hollow Fathom Lord SSCWarlock07-07-23235-4904
Hollow Morogrim SSCWarlock07-08-05271-4917
How to annoy peopleRogue06-11-15963.884052
How To Change The Bow Sound in World OHunter12-01-28118-23340
How to DPS in Curator (Hunter)Hunter07-05-31971.759355
How to get Swift Zulian Panther + ArmoPaladin14-07-01308-69752
How to get the Fiery Warhorse mount - Multiple14-07-06105-40481
Huning for dummies 3 solo uldamanHunter07-06-151183.454579
Hunter lvl10 pvp WSGHunter11-06-10439-6324
Hunter solo Kael'thas SunstriderHunter11-09-23300-9539
Hunter solo MalygosHunter11-09-22325-18289
Hunter solo PatchworkHunter11-09-24158-22758
Hunter solo Razorgore the UntamedHunter11-09-21230-14288
Hunter solo xtHunter11-09-25137-15136
Hunter Solos Heroic GundrakHunter10-09-08268-95772
Hunter Solos Keristrazsa and friends (Hunter10-08-12236-48356
Hunter Tanking OnyxiaHunter06-08-0479-18778
Hunting for dummies 1Hunter07-04-282323.966819
Hunting for dummies 2Hunter07-06-06453.714612
Hunting for hunting 2 trailerHunter07-05-115-4060
HWL 2 - Frost MageMage20-05-02521-39796
Hwl Elemental Mage PvP 1Mage20-02-19271-50513
Impossible Dalaran Eye WitnessUnknown10-12-3085-7675
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - Al'AkirWarlock11-03-0896-11466
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - AtramedesWarlock11-03-17100-213224
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - Chimaeron anWarlock11-02-18410-6942
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - Halfus WyrmbWarlock11-02-22100-6941
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - MaloriakWarlock11-02-19691-8031
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - NefarianWarlock11-03-27196-14901
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - Twilight AscWarlock11-02-23109-8914
Insomnious @ Grim Batol - Valiona & ThWarlock11-02-2396-9414
Insomnious VS Cho'gallShaman11-03-20142-7765
Is World of Warcraft Balanced?Mage14-02-25103-140660
JMC vs ChimaeronMultiple11-06-15231-3938
JMC vs Halfus WyrmbreakerMultiple11-06-17167-4761
JMC vs MagmawMage11-06-19306-5069
JMC vs MaloriakMultiple11-06-17265-4526
JMC vs Omnotron Defence SystemMultiple11-06-17325-4413
JMC vs Valiona & TheralionMultiple11-06-19258-6502
Kalesin 1 (Smolderforge 2.4.3)Rogue13-08-27291-11853
Kel'Thuzad by BalanceHunter06-11-094884.6810622
Kochanovski themovielol (2v2 Disc/FrosMage10-06-01788-33327
Konnichiwa - Baron Rivendare 12 MinuteShaman08-08-175404.5826417
Konnichiwa - Kael'Thas MGT HeroicShaman08-08-18504.2145063
Kybosh Pre Legion warrior PVPWarrior16-08-29411-25591
Landslide dk the movieDeath Knight11-08-1316-12845
Lethal Industry vs Yogg-SaronMage09-05-265164.507843
Lich King in 3DWarrior22-01-1910-20306
Lich King Speed kill Priest10-10-27138-15174
LK 25 manMage10-06-10503-9336
Lol Knights 1 (preview)Multiple08-12-151382.084766
Lorex 3(metodi) Ret. Pala World PvP/BGPaladin14-01-29229-17568
Lykkeh 1Hunter11-09-08486-7546
Lynchesk vs Cho'Gall 10 ManPaladin11-02-10396-6386
Lynchesk vs Maloriak 10ManPaladin11-02-09277-4983
Lynchesk vs Nefarion 10ManPaladin11-02-19592-9262
Lynchesk vs Nefarion 10Man (2POV)Paladin11-02-19611-6409
Mad BrideMage08-02-042253.278733
Mad BrideMage09-06-26230-9737
Mage 70 - themevil - 8k critsMage07-06-10631.709674
Mage DPS?Mage07-03-25614.1427625
Mage duelsMage12-11-28152-8876
Mage is what? Vol. 2Mage13-08-1935-13315
Mage is what? Vol. 3Mage13-12-22130-29732
Maiev, Life After the BetrayerUnknown11-04-21119-108656
Maldoren - Fiery Forst aka. ElementaliMage07-08-112844.008558
Maldoren - Icecube PowahMage07-08-021833.957076
Maraudon farming 60g/hourHunter06-08-06474.6535248
Maraudon Hunter Farming IIHunter06-12-23683.3815192
Mathiaz Christmas Edit | 2200 RogueRogue13-12-23266-9729
Medivh ep1 new house (wow machinima)Druid14-09-044-15549
Medivh ep2 khadgar (wow machinima)Unknown14-09-0418-14879
Merkology Vol 1Rogue10-04-07554-95493
Mimiron 10Mage09-04-21261-50288
MinnjiDeath Knight09-09-0536-18149
Monk PvP 5.4.8 - 2's WW Monk/ Holy PriMonk14-09-16104-48190
MoP Mutilate World PvPRogue12-10-08204-48419
Mortalys - The Power of the WarriorWarrior07-03-214052.338114
Multi-boxing 4 Shamans PvPShaman10-06-09185-11079
Multiclass PvPMultiple11-06-03442-7351
Multiglad Hunter/Warrior - PrimedoucheHunter14-04-20934-196595
My Children's Week ExperienceWarrior10-05-0414-11710
Mylos PVPWarrior11-07-08457-9680
M�rdarklubben on the Hunt 2006Rogue11-01-07114-19898
M�rdarklubben vs. Leotheras the BlindPriest07-08-13115-5181
Naxxramas 10 (WoTLK Beta) - AbominatioMage08-10-266444.6536025
Naxxramas 10 (WoTLK Beta) - Death KnigMage08-10-303734.2520423
Naxxramas 10 (WoTLK Beta) - Spider WinMage08-10-265004.0014954
Naxxramas 25 (WoTLK Beta) - Sapphiron Mage08-10-307334.5735647
Nemea (Grim Batol - EU) vs Yogg SaronPriest09-07-13633-7704
NERF HuntersHunter06-12-02453.5415479
New bOrn. Full resilience gear Rogue PRogue07-05-141974.3225506
Night Elf Hunter PvP | Eluneela | LeveHunter11-11-19598-12645
Northrend Beasts 25(H) By Balance - GrWarlock09-10-31384-8345
Nrf 2v2 Arena (druid/warrior)Druid08-01-194613.8161675
Nubtne - A Blast From The PastMage09-07-151039-62157
Obsidian - Outdoor Warrior PvPWarrior06-09-161674.4813318
Obstal 1 - Sup?Mage09-12-12895-33065
Obstal 2 - DisturbedMage10-01-18189-21256
Of the Nightfall (Caster Setup)Mage09-03-042125.0031161
OMG THEY KILLED KENNY! 2v1 WW Monk AreMonk14-09-06125-31336
Out of Dreams Lich King 10 Normal HIGHWarrior10-05-0759-15033
Out of Dreams vs. Bastion of TwilightWarlock11-03-31408-6284
Parkwaydrive 4.0.1 Fury Warrior CritsWarrior10-11-01217-19362
Perfect Ten vs Warmaster Blackhorn 10mDeath Knight12-02-1799-5711
Phelz trailer (short): Disc PriestPriest11-06-2326-22350
Plague Wing - Naxxramas 10 (WoTLK BetaMage08-10-304414.2525685
Pre patch adventures 2.0Mage19-08-19124-8754
Priest discipline 2v2 arenaPriest13-04-300-14845
Priestini Shadow Priest moviePriest11-11-1776-10194
Primedouche 2.0Hunter14-05-10996-319928
PROT PALADIN PVP - HORSEMANURE 1Paladin12-01-06141-19164
Psychozis pvp 1Warlock10-02-1899-10247
PTR 2.0.1 Mutilate RogueRogue06-11-25181-16201
Pyroblast: The MovieMage10-02-01224-23368
Queen 25 heroicMage10-06-0982-6742
Ragefighter - The Offensive Warrior TrWarrior13-10-1035-37376
Ragefighter -The arms warrior 5.4Warrior13-12-12281-36369
Ragefighter with Silvershard MinesWarrior13-05-09207-7248
Random DK PvPDeath Knight09-06-07621.009083
Rank 14 shamanShaman06-12-04373.8512894
Rated Battleground eye of the stormWarrior12-11-28347-5630
Refusion Arena Team PromoMultiple07-01-17594.7211991
Regrowth // Season 1 - Faction Champio-10-01-04208-9299
Regrowth // Season 1 - Twin Val'kyr 25-10-01-08188-11738
Rogue/pala (retri) 2v2 arena (Rogue PoRogue08-03-22802.3418550
R�ia I Assassin RogueRogue13-08-28135-99297
R�ia I The Assassin Rogue TrailerRogue13-08-2530-29553
S11 TSG!Paladin11-12-16212-50759
Sad Pandas vs Ultraxion HC 10manDeath Knight12-02-22199-6000
Saga of Sardonic - Part 1Paladin07-01-27654.084444
Saurfang 10 HC - Out of DreamsWarrior10-05-27176-21240
Scrot RotMage09-06-084294.588788
Scvs - 1Rogue13-01-2599-17092
Sethekk Halls HC Anzu Solo - Shadow PrPriest10-11-13142-24542
SHADOW PRIEST 8.1 GuidePriest19-01-22313-43167
Shadow Priest Dueling Guide - Beast MaPriest13-06-15504-17287
Shadow Priest Dueling Guide - Frost MaPriest13-06-15608-7403
Shadow Priest Dueling Guide - RoguePriest13-06-15944-10193
Shadow Priest Rated Battleground 2250+Priest13-03-25231-8875
Shadow Priest Rated Battleground 2250+Priest13-03-25812-9057
Shadow Priest Rated Battleground vs GlPriest13-06-15674-12797
Shadow Priest World Pvp and Duels - MOPriest13-03-21659-20592
Shankka 1 Teaser (Wow Mists of PandariWarrior13-01-236-5872
Showtime - Level 70 Rogue PvPRogue07-04-101701.9414821
Showtime 2 - Dagger PvPRogue07-08-151273.6624482
Sick Holylol Paladin Movie CRAZY arenaPaladin09-03-023994.2111000
Sidara 1Warrior14-01-12115-10160
Sien Vol.1Shaman10-08-02320-11842
Sinis the movieWarlock07-10-111271.9613345
Skars - Underskilled, Undergeared, OveRogue10-01-21296-10736
Smells Like Teen Spirit - WoW Music viMultiple09-09-18305-9198
Splinter vs Eredar twinsPriest08-10-09137-14168
Stormwind Glitch - Behind BarsMultiple11-06-1567-15555
Subtle - EviscerationRogue07-07-242803.6217936
Symphony of a Shattered WorldWarrior11-03-24105-27124
Team Howster - Multiboxing ICCMultiple10-10-21197-11295
The Adventures of Trainwrecked: HeroicHunter11-01-09391-257021
The Alliance RG2 kills FankrissWarlock06-08-18512.8711346
The Bloodhunt - Total Annihilation! MoMonk14-02-19798-48392
The Bloodhunt 2 - I hunt alone!Monk14-04-101593-40641
The ImmortalWarlock08-01-266142.7017018
The Legend of WrangMultiple09-10-31569-9912
The Lich KingWarrior10-02-10226-16450
The Murloc Order Vs. Fathom-Lord KaratHunter07-06-30120-6418
The Murloc Order Vs. Hydross the UnstaHunter07-06-30278-5795
The New Tier 12 - All ClassesUnknown11-06-1723-14151
The Path to Merciless Gladiator - 2v2 Mage08-01-222974.0158897
The RavenMage15-09-25265-58520
The real dealRogue07-04-151522.082990
The Reckoning by KickinyoassMonk14-09-2172-33418
The Rogue and the BloodbathRogue07-12-041962.095054
The World of PubicbearMage09-12-01293-11721
Thiefcraft - AR DaggersRogue06-09-274203.917893
Tom Cruise Bladestorm 2Paladin12-01-2166-66606
Tom Cruise on Bladestorm and WarriorsWarrior10-03-1315-228537
Tomage Frost/Fire PvPMage10-10-261006-24452
Tomteharald - No skills requiredWarlock07-10-241272.727852
Tomteharald - No skills required 2Warlock07-11-052783.268998
Trial of the Champion (Normal) - Anub'Warlock09-09-05280-26800
Trial of the Crusader - Anub'Arak - TrWarlock09-11-11132-14501
Trigshady Arena/BGs ft ClearcastMage10-09-201065-147629
Trixz Gone Wild! 1Priest12-01-211542-8459
Trixz Gone Wild! [TEASER]Priest12-01-1685-3767
Trixzlol ft. Nafulolz 2v2 (Priest/RougPriest11-11-29119-12696
Twink Matches [Priest PoV]Priest12-07-24192-12209
U2 & Mary J Blige - OneUnknown07-10-27853.2910347
Under AzerothMage11-09-11134-17519
Vbsubzero - The Fallen MageMage07-01-124174.479256
Vesuvio & Co. vs Ignis The Furnace MasShaman11-03-1817-10558
Vesuvio - Frost DK PvP Eye of the StorDeath Knight11-03-0362-12338
Vesuvio - Promo VideoShaman11-03-08149-7517
W6 - Kidnap CleaveMage15-12-02160-80455
W8 - Pre patch adventuresMage16-08-29538-17430
Warlock destruction 5.3 montageWarlock13-04-270-12690
Warlock Destruction PvPWarlock09-01-10703.6712417
Warlock Destruction PvP DragonPTWarlock08-05-051233.366932
Warlock Destruction PvP DragonptWarlock08-06-151783.008844
Warlock farming Dire Maul NorthWarlock06-10-021073.829088
Warlock solo Al'ar patch 4.0.3Warlock10-11-20350-28281
Warlock solo Gruul patch 4.0.3Warlock10-11-19286-22886
Warlock solo Magtheridon patch 4.0.3Warlock10-11-19345-34952
Warrior Paladin Rogue Orgrimmar raid !Warrior09-09-04119-9240
Windwalker Monk Class GuideMonk13-07-2478-21231
World PvP and duelsRogue06-08-223164.547896
world pvp for me :3 p2Rogue14-09-1141-19189
world pvp, for me :3Rogue14-09-0666-15017
WoW Classic SL Warlock PvP / OutsmartWarlock19-11-15584-25991
WoW Machinima Tutorial (Make it look Unknown12-10-2695-55123
WoW: Arena 2200 rating 3vs3. Jungle ClDruid12-01-2794-21795
Wrathex - RuinWarlock06-12-302203.146694
WSG traitorHunter08-02-28253.815769
WW Monk Crits Montage - KickinyoassMonk14-09-1051-52545
WW Monk/Feral Druid vs Warr/Holy PriesMonk14-09-10177-16936
Zenik - Arcane Missile MageMage06-12-251363.546847
Zenik - Arcane Missile MageMage07-02-141362.503648
Zhetto PvP lvl 85 Balance DruidDruid12-05-2361-8396
[80 Twink] Priest Rogue vs Shaman MagePriest12-05-2364-17842
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