Fusion Yogg+0: Dual-perspective by Kyth (StratFu)
Class: Multiple | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Turalyon ( Stormstrike )
4.81 /5 36 ? ? 504 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This movie is simultaneously the view of Kyth, a mage, who is doing tentacles and assigned to DPS in P3, and Krez, a hunter, who is taking portals and is a beacon-puller in P3.

This is a pre-nerf Yogg+0 kill. Ours was the last one before the cut off, partly due to us losing a full two weeks of progression because our MT's account got hacked. We were very pleased that losing those two weeks didn't set us back so far we couldn't get in before 3.2.

I believe it's also the cleanest pre-nerf kill: one P3 death from a rogue that pulled aggro, and then just a single additional death at the end from a priest who was next to a newly-spawned mob.

Vent is included, as is background music.
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