Ulduar: The Movie - Part 1 by Invisusira
Class: Multiple | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Smolderthorm ( Reckoning )
4.84 /5 183 ? ? 256 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Defiance is a cinematic presentation of the Blizzard's fantastic instance Ulduar, showcasing the boss fights and the lore behind it.

This is part one of three. It took me about a month longer to get the ball rolling on this than it was supposed to, parts two and three will be up much quicker! (I will probably release parts 2+3 together here on WCM.)

Soundtrack Listing
Lordaeron Opening Sequence
��Arthas' Betrayal - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Onslaught at Lordaeron Sequence
��Run Like Hell - Two Steps From Hell
��1000 Ships (Alt Ending) (NC) - Two Steps From Hell
��Mountains of Madness - Two Steps From Hell
Storm Peaks Sequence
��The Day After Tomorrow - Harald Kloser
Flame Leviathan Sequence
��Love & Loss - Two Steps From Hell
Ignis Sequence
��King's Legion - Two Steps From Hell
Razorscale Sequence
��Tyrianis - Two Steps From Hell
XT-002 Sequence
��Heart of Courage - Two Steps From Hell

I slightly modified FL and XT's voices to make them less... nerdy. XT was particularly hard to figure out, it took a while to find something that would make his voice work with my movie. Kudos to Blizz for some original thinking on having a baby robot, but that voice is not easy to work with!

I'm planning on expanding upon the character story, particularly in part three - and beyond. I like to try and give the audience a story to follow instead of just a bunch of boss fights with techno playing.

Download this and my other movies, as well as soundtracks, here:

Feel free to subscribe to my website or my YouTube page for updates on new movies!
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