How I Spent My Christmas by Faxmonkey
Class: Mage | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Blackrock ( Bloodlust )
4.81 /5 57 ? ? 414 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Holidays mean lots of things to lots of people. But to me it means too much boredom and a lot of spare time. I mean, honestly, who wants to sit around a fire and sing carols when there are dragons to be killed? MOTHERF#$@ING DRAGONS!

Here's how Faxmonkey spent his Christmas:

This includes footage from 2 of the 3 Random Battlegrounds (including *all* of one second one) I did as well as some Ulduar soloing (because I could, that's why). Sound really random? Well it is. All of it was recorded on Christmas. It is *literally* what the title suggests. Maybe you shouldn't watch it, if that bothers you. This is just random stuff for people who care, for some reason.

Lessons I learned this Christmas:

1) Razorscale would have been so much easier in frost spec.
2) XT is random as hell--why do I get a different number of adds every attempt!?
3) Flame Leviathan is so simple any idiot could solo it. Seriously. I guess that explains why they nerfed the gold it drops.
4) I really hate hunters (I already knew that one, but I forgot).

All of the songs used in this video are licensed under a Creative Commons license and are available as free downloads. Hurray!? here are links:

Carol of the Synths - Spartanblu
Top of the Pops 2011 - Mashup Germany
Internet Friends - Knife Party (Arahal Re-edit)
Feeling Good - Dj Burnout
Everybody Speaks no Americano - Mashup Germany
DOSVEC "Feeling Good" Mashup - DJ Whatt

P.S. The Audio sounds really bad (distorted) at the start, but I promise that's just part of the song and it goes away.
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