Inception vs Morchok 25H - GDL - Arcane Mage PoV by Bloodywidow
Class: Mage | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Zul'jin ( Ruin )
- /5 0 ? ? 404 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Our 1st kill in 25man.

Notice how I missed TimeWarp by a few god damn tiny yards... grrr.
Yeah, I missed the kick and never noticed, true story.

Server: Zul'jin US
Group: Inception

"Inception Soundtrack - Time"
"Inception Soundtrack - Dream within a dream"
"Inception Soundtrack - Mombassa" + "�dith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien"
"Inception Soundtrack - Radical Notion"
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Zygor Guides

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Category Rank: 2272
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