MC-Addicts IV by bsm
Class: Unknown | Category: Underground | Server : EU - Arthas ( Glutsturm )
4.95 /5 81 ? ? 523 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This is the fourth modelchanging movie of our MC-Addicts series.

1. Intro
created by bsm and Viron
2. Isengard
created by bsm
3. tileset copies
discovered by Eluo
4. Frostwolf Hill
created by bsm and Winnerdb
5. Vampire's Fall
created by Eluo
6. Minas Morgul
created by bsm
7. Andy Warhol adt
created by Eluo
8. Dead Marshes
created by bsm
9. Niakagula
created by Kagul
10. The Fortress
created by Eluo
11. Deadwind Keep
created by bsm
12. Peanut Butter Dance Animations
created by Kagul
13. credits
created by bsm

Hans Zimmer - We Built Our Own World
Don Davis - Trinity Infinity
Howard Shore - Saruman The White
Howard Shore - A Knife In The Dark
Russell Brower, Derek Duke & Glenn Stafford - Rise Of The Vrykul
Celldweller - The Sentinel
Howard Shore - Minas Morgul
John Williams - Superman Theme
Howard Shore - The Passage Of The Marshes
Hans Zimmer - Time
Eminence Symphony Orchestra - The Eternal Conflict
Tomandandy - Tokyo
Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Matt Uelmen - The Tower Of Karazhan
Buckwheat Boys - Peanut Butter Jelly Time
The Dust Brothers - Stealing Fat

Also watch
Modcraft Worldbuilding Trailer
MC-Addicts 3
MC-Addicts 2
Booty Bay of Doom

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If you don't like modelchanging, you don't know the fascination of it..
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Rating: 4.95 / 5
Category Rank: 32
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