Serennia 3 by Serennia
Class: Warrior | Category: PvP | Server : US - Korgath ( Vengeance )
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Movie Summary
This is my third and final video of TBC that I decided to put together and release before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. I put an extensive amount of time into recording and producing this, so hopefully my efforts will have paid off.

Because most people have seen more arena videos than they care to even watch from TBC (pre-3.0) arena, I wanted to focus the majority of this video around arena after the 3.0 patch. Alongside that, this third video includes me playing not only a warrior, but also a druid and paladin. In total, you can expect to see the following in the video:

-A few BG scenes
-3.0 paladin/warlock 2v2
-3.0 paladin/rogue 2v2
-3.0 paladin 1v2
-2.4 druid/hunter and druid/warrior 2v2
-3.0 druid/warrior 2v2
-3.0 paladin/shaman/warrior 3v3

A few notes that I wanted to make before people made assumptions is that almost all of the 3.0 clips took place after the first couple weeks of 3.0 where retribution paladins were much more powerful than they are now. They were recorded after many of the damage nerfs went in, but before the 3.0.3 patch went in.

Regarding 2v2 as paladin/warlock: I feel that this comp must be played very differently than most other ret paladin 2dps teams, as the warlock needs to be taken care of very well so that they can do their job. The paladin has to be much more protective of them than an arcane mage or rogue, for example. I've experimented with many variations of classes and strategies, and I feel that although paladin/warlock is very strong, you need to play a much different playstyle in order to be effective.

Regarding 3.0 warrior arena: Many, many things have changed obviously and I have spent quite a bit of time adapting to the new playstyle myself. Warriors can be both the toughest class to kill and the easiest at the same time. Cooldown timing is much more important now, especially knowing when the perfect moment to use Bladestorm is; whether it be used to burst someone with unhealable damage, avoid a CC that you know you wouldn't be able to break, or to exploit a weakness that unveils itself during a match. I was also using a Season 4 Polearm (2.2 speed) for most of the 2v2 clips in order to test out its performance, while the 3v3 clips are done with a Season 4 Axe (3.6 speed). I am far from perfect in regards to how much arena mechanics have changed for warriors, but at the same time, I'm pretty happy with how this video turned out.

All said and done, I still feel that the warrior class is lacking right now. I've done more than my share of providing feedback to the developers on the beta forums and through other methods in order to help them improve the class, but they seem insistent on keeping warriors too heavily dependant on RNG and linear thinking (for the most part). Honestly, I am undecided if I want to continue playing a warrior into expansion, but that's another story.

The music selection is quite broad and contains a wide variety of songs. Hopefully everyone can tolerate both the music and the video and enjoy it as much as I did making it. I strongly recommend that you download the full, high-quality version of it from either Filefront or WarcraftMovies instead of streaming it.

Thanks for watching!.
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