Never Forget- Nunca Olvides von DruidArnold
Class: Druide | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Los Errantes ( Crueldad )
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Movie Summary
Hey! This is my first machinima so I apologise for all the mistakes that I've probably made. Sorry for the cut-scenes and for the cursor that appeared in one scene!

�Buenas! �ste ha sido mi primer machinima, as� que os pido que no me teng�is en cuenta los m�ltiples errores que he podido cometer. Me disculpo por las escenas cortadas o por la aparici�n repentina del cursor!


During a current evening, a man, husband and father, leaves his home. Later on he finds out that the city is being beleaguered by the forsaken. Instantly, he starts to run back to home, afraid that his family could be endangered. When he gets home he discovers that his son and wife have been murdered. That makes him go mad, forcing him to change to his worgen-form. Soon, he hears something outside the house and he decides to investigate. He finds out that a group of forsaken are near the house, believing that they could be the ones that had murdered his family he jumps over them and kill them. What he didn't know is that a forsaken archer was watching him and when he killed the group the archer shots him an arrow. Almost being unconscious he hears an elf's shout. Afterward, he wakes up in an elf boat. He realises that he has been rescued by the elves. Knowing that he may never return to Gilneas, he decides to put a painting of his family behind a big three of darnassus, to honour his family.


Durante una tarde corriente, un hombre, marido y padre, abandona su casa. M�s tarde descubre que Gilneas est� siendo asediada por los renegados, temiendo por su fam�lia, decide dar la vuelta y correr hacia su casa. Cuando llega, descubre que su fam�lia ha sido asesinada por los renegados, �l se enfurece y no puede evitar adoptar su forma m�s salvaje; la forma de huargen. Pronto, escucha unos ruidos al exterior y decide investigarlos. �l encuentra a un grupo de no-muertos cerca de su casa, creyendo que podr�an ser los que asesinaron a su fam�lia. Lleno de furia, se abalanza sobre ellos y los mata. Lo que no sab�a es que hab�a un arquero renegado observ�ndole todo el rato, que le dispar� una flecha al acabar con su grupo. Medio inconsciente, escucha un ruido de una elfa. M�s tarde, despierta en un barco �lfico. Se da cuenta de que ha sido rescatado por los elfos. Sabiendo que, probablemente, nunca regresar�a a Gilneas, decide colocar un cuadro de su fam�lia tras un gran �rbol en Daranassus, rindiendo homenaje a su esposa y a su hijo.
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