Pretty in Pink 2: Balance Druid Arena PvP von Lupe
Class: Druide | Category: PvP | Server : US - Argent Dawn ( Ruin )
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4.66 /5 39 ? ? 314 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
The sequel to "Pretty in Pink", this video shows what Balance druids can do with the new patch. Harder hits and the "NPC Army". :P

I also play a lot of "arena games" in this video, such as "watch the NPC army kill the enemy", and "Strip Arena".

Google Video has been giving me trouble, so unless someone else can host it for a live stream, the download may be the only option this time around.


EDIT: I realize that there is an issue with the codec of the movie. I'm still working on getting a more accessible version out, but I'm a bit ignorant as to how to do it properly. I've tried making other versions, but they were either having the same issues, or the file size was enormous. If you know something about how to fix the issue, e-mail me at [email protected], and I can work on fixing it as soon as possible. Thank you..
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Category Rank: 11906
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