WoW Vanguards UI - Mists of Pandaria by Vanguards
Class: Unknown | Category: PvP | Server : US - Arena Tournament
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Movie Summary
Video showing how to set up my UI. Scripts are listed down below! Please keep in mind the non-LUA scripts needs to be run through a macro and in a specific order.

It focuses on using as least addons as possible while still hopefully being good. I've been getting a lot of questions about my UI on stream / whispers and such; hopefully this can help out to anyone who's looking to set up their UI.

I don't believe my UI is the best by any means, but maybe the scripts / addons I have can help you optimize your own UI.

The numeric value text / number LUA script was too long to be pasted here. Message me on facebook or here and I can send you it if you really want it!

ZA.F: /run ArenaEnemyFrame1:Show();ArenaEnemyFrame2:Show();ArenaEnemyFrame3:Show()
/run LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI");ArenaEnemyFrames:Show();ArenaEnemyFrame1:Show();ArenaEnemyFrame2:Show();ArenaEnemyFrame3:Show();ArenaEnemyFrame1CastingBar:Show()

ZR.S: /script PlayerFrame:SetScale(1.3)
/script TargetFrame:SetScale(1.3)
/script PartyMemberFrame1:SetScale(1.6)
/script PartyMemberFrame2:SetScale(1.6)
/script PartyMemberFrame3:SetScale(1.6)
/script PartyMemberFrame4:SetScale(1.6)

ZCC1: /run UIP=UnitIsPlayer RCC=RAID_CLASS_COLORS UC=UnitClass TFNB=TargetFrameNameBackground FFNB=FocusFrameNameBackground
/script FocusFrame:SetScale(1.4)

ZCC2: /run f=CreateFrame("FRAME") f:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FOCUS_CHANGED") f:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION")

ZCC3: /run function e(self,event,...) if UIP("target") then c=RCC[select(2,UC("target"))] TFNB:SetVertexColor(c.r,c.g,c.b) end if UIP("focus") then c=RCC[select(2,UC("focus"))] FFNB:SetVertexColor(c.r,c.g,c.b) end end f:SetScript("OnEvent",e)

ZG.M1: /run for i=1,MAX_ARENA_ENEMIES do _G["ArenaEnemyFrame"..i]:SetPoint("CENTER",-860+i*180,-300)_G["ArenaEnemyFrame"..i.."Name"]:Hide()_G["ArenaEnemyFrame"..i.."Texture"]:SetVertexColor(.05,.05,.05)_G["ArenaEnemyFrame"..i.."CastingBar"]:SetScale(1.5)end
ZHIDE: /run MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide();MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide()
/run V={B="ArenaEnemyFrame"} for i=1,5 do _G[V.B..i]:SetScale(1.23); end;

ZHIDE: /run MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide();MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide()
/run V={B="ArenaEnemyFrame"} for i=1,5 do _G[V.B..i]:SetScale(1.23); end;

Song 1: Rameses B - Game of Thrones

Make sure to check out Rameses B pages:

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