Heroic Hagara the Stormbringer vs. Play (10m Arms warrior PoV) Live 12/9 by Fearnot
Class: Warrior | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : US - Hellscream ( Rampage )
4.93 /5 21 ? ? 529 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Another near wipe first kill! HOORAY! US 11th kill on this boss, another kill to be proud of either way. Phase 1 and Lightning phases went perfectly, I think we need to work on frost phases alittle more. We were over enrage by 25 seconds, but that works out to be just a few seconds before the near wipe started.

US 11th kill.

Music picked by guildies =P
Song 1: Ken Ashcorp - 20 Percent Cooler
Song 2: Emeli Sand� - Daddy (Cyantific Remix)

My Guild, Warrior and youtube.
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4.93 /5

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Rating: 4.93 / 5
Category Rank: 861
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