Beavis goes Berserk IV by Beavis1228
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Wrathbringer ( Raserei )
4.51 /5 264 ? ? 170 MB Correct Share
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update: filefront dl added

Hi, finally i managed to finish my new s6 critvideo ... so here it is.
to say a few things about it: Its getting harder and harder to make movies like these, due to 3 reasons:
1.) it seems that the amount of plate enemys has increased by 100% (way to much rets, dks and warris on the bgs)
2.) Once the allys recognize that the stupid shamy wich is still wearing 2hander is beavis, i get camped so hard its not even funny anymore.
3.) wf never proccs when you want it to ;)

!!!!This video is only for enterteinment ... no skill shown at all. !!!!

Yes i know, 2hand enhance fails. dw ftw. l2p . noob ....
Just showing how much more fun it would be if blizzard would give us a working 2hand gameplay.

Armory link:

Addons i used: AG_Unitframes, Dominos, Totemtimers, SCT, Shock and Awe

To get the Windfuryaddon working follow this link:
Thx redmist ;)

Programms used: fraps and sony vegas
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