2200 3v3 Enhancement Shaman POV by Zagine
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : US - Frostmourne ( Bloodlust )
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Movie Summary
Tetris Trance
3v3 Arena team consisting of:

Affliction Warlock - Gikoneko

Enhancement Shaman - Zagine

Restoration Druid - Yakota

Battle Group Nine - Bloodlust
Frostmourne US Oceanic server

Footage captured during one week of 3v3 play. These match-ups occurred while being in the 2100-2200 brackets. This video was filmed to show an enhancement shaman's capabilities in the arena. This does not support the thought of enhancement shamans being strong/viable. I myself am considering going elemental next season even with the upcoming enhancement buffs.

My team and I all play at 400+ ms, giving our US opponents the instant advantage. Many times you will see me on target but out of melee range. Also this also effects my spell interruptions not allowing them to be as effective as they should be. I find it ironic that battle group Nine, which is said to be the most competitive in the world contains the majority of oceanic servers.

Don't watch this expecting to see large crits or large amounts of damage. Most of the footage shown display matches against teams that were not easily beaten. The video contains minimal editing allowing viewers to see what is happening throughout the fight (watching my team members and opposition).


ag_Unitframes � unit frames
Bongos 2 � action bars
ErrorMonster � eliminates red warning text
ItemRack � weapon switching
Nature Enemy Cast Bar � shows cooldowns of target
Proximo � arena opponents display
Quartz � cast bar/targets cast bar
ScrollingCombatText � with custom font �Skratch Punk�
Shaman�s Friend � displays spell interrupts by ES, grounding consumes and much more
SimpleMinimap � minimap display
TotemTimers - totem menu and expiration notifications


2PM - Tetris
Incubus - Pendulous Threads
Arctic Monkeys - Brianstorm
Hot Chip - Tchaparian
The Killers - Move Away
Utada Hikaru - Final Distance.
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