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The Beautiful Game - Hemo PvP

A few weeks ago i decided to make a PvP movie to show my style of PvP. I am a Hemo specced rogue and have been for a few months now. Hemo allows me to take on opponents who out-gear me and beat them [if i play my cards right] due to its great versatility.

The footage was shot in Blackrock Mountain, Seering Gorge, and Burning Steppes as well as other areas. The fights consist of a mix of world PvP and aranged duelles against horde and alliance who i consider skilled.

Server: The Maelstrom
Name: Beautiful
Class/Race: 60 Undead Rogue

I hope you enjoy it!

p.s. If filefront is giving you a hard time, try starting up another mirror and see if it gives a better download speed. Filefront can give good download speeds, you just have find the right mirror. :)

Link to the stream. .