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This movie isnt really a regular PVP movie. Its more of a rhythmic movie for you enjoyment put in a PVP setting.

I realized that people are a little tired of the usual PVP movies. Though it aggravates me when people download movies that say it IS a PVP movie. Then complain that they are tired of them. I personally like to watch to learn how other classes and people play the game. I see them as a source of learning. (Yes I know, I�m a WOW freak).

Now THIS movie should be enjoyable for most people. At least I tried to make it fun to watch. The editing took some time, but the result is worth it. If you are one of them people that complain that things are too hard to see and that the flickering hurts your eyes then move away now. This movie wasnt made for 80 year olds. Its supposed to be fast.

Now; DOWNLOAD. And enjoy.

(Please don't use goodleVideo if you dont have too, the low quality realy screws up the nice effects. Due to the high speed of some of the fights its mostly a mess with on Googell)